The feedback for Chapter Twelve has been amazing! Seriously, I don't think I've had a chapter so well received. Thank you everyone!
I've been moving forward with Chapter Thirteen, and I'm taking another risk (though not so big as last time) by putting in a scene I'm not sure is going to work. The pic's a hint.
I just gotta keeping plugging at it every day to make sure I get this chapter out soon. There'll be a touch more sexuality, if I bring the chapter as far as I envision it going right now. There'll also be a bit of a stand-off between Edward and Carlisle.
I've been reading a lot of Bella/Carlisle fics since the last posting. I'm very far behind on rec at this point.
Let me mention "The Hummer" by mabarbarella. I don't think that I've ever read a fic that was so dangerous. Seriously. My mind registers the added element of this story as canon, and that's not very good for someone who is writing their own Carlisle/Bella story. More detailed rec to come later.
I might also mention "Summer Sun" by ItHappened, which I read a year ago, and is still one of my favorite B/C fics out there. I passed it by a couple of times, because it was AH, and had Jasper and Rosalie as young children. I'm glad that I finally gave it a chance, because the characters are treated with real respect and emotion. You believe in Bella and Carlisle falling in love and why they need each other.