It's funny how certain parts of this story get stuck in my head long before I'm ready to be there with the writing and posting of it.
A few months ago, I was so excited to get to the Edward and Rosalie chapters. I wrote a few paragraphs to give in to the need, but nothing more. Now that I'm in those chapters, I wish that I hadn't backed off. Those waiting for chapter six, or whatever chapter I'd been on at the time, I'm sure were happy that their chapter posted when it did. Now, however, I need to get the Edward and Rosalie mojo back. I know what I want from the characters, but I'm not getting it as successfully on the page as I did when I was in the Rosalie/Edward zone.
Now I'm in a completely different zone, a scene in which Carlisle puts the moves on Bella in a dance club, something that doesn't happen until much later in the story. So I'm going to write it. I'd already worked on this scene in May 2009 (according to the date on the doc) and now I'm going to work it again, more fully. It'll need to be fixed, because there'll be more specific elements of events that happened in between in there that I'll have to allude to, but for now, let's write the bump and grind, the sexual tension, the frustration afterwards.