So, I finished the first draft of Chapter Eleven of "Moonlit." Normally this means that I will post in the next couple of days. I'm stepping away from it so that I can see it with clearer eyes and make sure it is what I want it to be. (When it comes to Edward and Rosalie's activities in this story, I am going to go places that I don't really want to go, and I for sure am not going to linger there long.)
I remember all the research I did when I wrote "One Weekend." I had a couple favorite sites and most certainly a favorite YouTube video on the Mercedes S55 AMG. I wanted to know what it felt like to be in that car, since a chunk of the story was going to take place there. It felt good, even though it may not have been evident on the page.
I have been doing research for "Moonlit," but it isn't quite the same feeling. After all, would you rather picture yourself inside Carlisle's car or inside the walls of a house built in the late 1920s?
I've been doing a lot of fanfic reading the past couple of days as well. There's one story that I came across, a two-shot called "True Mate," that I'm intrigued by. I always wondered if there were stories out there in which it actually was Carlisle who drove Carlisle's Mercedes to Forks at the end of New Moon. Lo and behold, I found one.
In the first chapter of the two-shot, I was interested because the characters remained characters. Bella's excited and relieved to see a Cullen again, and Carlisle's concern and worry is genuine. It seems perfectly right for Bella to throw her arms around him, and for Carlisle to hesitate before wrapping his arms around her in return.
The second chapter turns into a very well-written lemon, and you definitely enjoy the turn of events, particularly if you are already a Bellisle fan. There's just one problem: no actual character matching or justification. Carlisle's name could easily be replaced with any other: Jasper, even Esme. Any one of them could turn up and say: I've known all along that you were really my mate, not Edward's. With two kisses, Bella realizes the truth of this and rolls around with the vamp on her father's carpet.
Yet, it's Carlisle we get, and as it's Carlisle we want, that makes it worth the read. Did I mention that the lemon is well-written yet? :) In the meantime, the author's other story is also on my TBR list.
Here's the link to "True Mate" written by Carlisle's Mate: http://www.fanficton.net/s/6323003/1/
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