Friday, February 25, 2011

Happily found ways to open Chapter Sixteen with some necessary light moments.

I wonder if I'm stalled because the chapter turns so dark.

In the meantime, I found a couple of cool manips tonight. This is one of them.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Author's Note

I am sitting down in front of a blank Word document, and getting ready to start Chapter Sixteen. Whenever I've thought about writing this chapter, I knew that it would frighten me. It's going to be the darkest chapter of "Moonlit." Maybe I don't have to go there, maybe I can gloss over it and still convey the general idea. That way I can spare the readers what I won't spare myself, because even if I do choose that route, I will have to write the full thing out for myself.

Why is it necessary to go here? It just is. Perhaps that isn't a straight answer, perhaps just feeling that something is part of the story doesn't mean that it needs to be. Either way, I'm going to need to write this.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Poor Edward, he gets some really painful news in the next chapter.

Speaking of which, I have finally finished all the scenes in Chapter Fifteen! I just need to look it over, tweak a few things, then send it off to my awesome prereader. So far, she's been more like a beta, and she's been invaluable!

It should take a day or two to get it back from her, and then some more tweaking, I am sure. I will post the same day I get it back!

It very well may be that this is the last chapter I will post before the baby comes. If that is the case, then we pause in a good place for all the "Moonlit" lovers out there.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Alas, the final scene of Chapter 15 is kicking my butt. Why is something so easy when you're thinking about it, and then when you find yourself ready at the keyboard, it's just not flowing out?

Bella, Carlisle. Carlisle, Bella. Maybe I need to shift the perspective to more of Bella's POV. Maybe I need to write a bit more about their environment and try less to pull at their emotions.

Maybe I should just have them start making out. Riiiiight.
"Oh, Carlisle, these men attacked me eight months ago and I keep having nightmares."
"Let me comfort you, Bella..."
"Um, Dr. Cullen, you have another patient coming in. And you forgot to pull the curtain."
"Go away, I'm busy getting my freak on."
"Yes, g'way, Carlisle is about to- Ohhhhhh...."

Monday, February 7, 2011

Currently refining scenes II and III. Then I'll move on to refining scene IV and finishing scene V.
Really really hoping to post soon! It definitely won't be a 2 month wait this time.
Also, I'm considering making the chapters moving forward just single scenes so that I can post more quickly. It would remove the sense of unification that putting 5 scenes in a single chapter would create, but at least I'd be giving more. It depends a little on what the scenes actually do for the story.
I'm iffy on this idea. What do you guys think?

Friday, February 4, 2011

We're not going to have to wait very long for Chapter 15. Booyah! I've got all five scenes started, three of them finished, one almost finished, and then one very hard final scene.

Yet these are rocking. I haven't been this satisfied writing a chapter in a very very long time.